Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Cheat Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures For PC

Some cheats

1. Cwa power boost 300 boost points
2. Tru dooku dooku gear
3. Secret mission droid
4. Mc play cwa idk I didnt read to
5. Jetpack01 speeder
6. Go to join the jedi.com to get a gungan light saber
7. Milk rocks I think I don't know what it does I didnt read it
Thats it all I know

Awsome cheats

1. Cwa power boost
2. Tru dooku
3. Secret mission
4. Mc play cwa
5. Jetpack01
6. Go to join the jedi.com to get a gungan light sabor
If you want to be my freind write Lune Phasesore on the freind list

Free boost points

To redeem a code for free boost points go to redeem code under the my gear button then type the code cwapowerboost

4 awesome cheats

Cheat1: cwagift10 (membership)
Cheat2: mcplaycwa (RA-7 droid)
Cheat3: jetpack01 (speeder)
Cheat4: secretmission (C-3PO)

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